Sponge Girl's Identity Blunder
Sponge Girl has had to think of reasonable explanation why, at a recent gala event, she accidentally called Lindsay Lohan "Jessica".
Realising her mistake the clearly red-faced Sponge Girl hurriedly explained to the fuming Ms Lohan that her contacts had perhaps slipped, and that she had certainly availed herself of the bountiful alcohol provided, the combination of the two leading to a momentary lapse of judgement. "Of course you don't look like her. You're your own pers...", attempted Sponge Girl before coming to an abrupt halt.
Before the pause became too awkward, Sponge Girl snapped back into her usual form with "Oh screw that. Get your own look, girl. And quit the singing before someone does it for you."
Sponge Girl later denied she in fact threatened Ms Lohan with voice-depriving violence, but added "If anyone has done any research into breast implants interfering with the larynx - or at the very least booty-shaking abilities - I'd be interested in hearing more about it."
That Sponge Girl! She has got the spunky 'n funky mojo going for her! Gotta love her!
I'm surprised Lindsay even noticed your slip up. Isn't she supposed to be all strung out on meth and blow these days?
MizB - no'one has to love Sponge Girl - the fact that so many do voluntarily makes it all the more special... :-)
tlm - you do have a point, however while a useless skank will not care if you call her mother a Republican or insist that the globe is angular, make the mistake of confusing one useless skank for another you may suddenly find yourself buried neck-deep in the Arizona desert with pig's blood poured over your face.
Everyone likes to be unique, and the ones least possessed of that quality are all the more sensitive to their common elements being pointed out.
In fact, this gives Sponge Girl and idea...
I hate when that happens to me. You really have to scrub pig's blood once it bakes on, otherwise it never comes off.
I think Lindsay was actually offended because she thinks Jessica is much fatter than she is. Jessica is all buffed up ever since her role as Daisy, and Lindsay is working as hard as she possibly can to be as unbuff and willowy as humanly possible. She's actually hoping people will start calling her the new Twiggy. She also does not want anyone to know that she has freckles.
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