Monday, December 19, 2005

Sponge Girl's Sister Steps Into The Limelight!

In a recent development Sponge Girl's younger sister, Mirri Perkele, has claimed her own slice of blogosphere. When asked if this meant Mirri, widely considered to be the cuter of the two, would be following her older sibling into an international career of do-gooderism and artistic excellence, Sponge Girl simply stated "I do not like to speculate on my sister's plans and aspirations. However, I do hope this means I get to bump in to her more often."

World media is waiting to see if this new development will lead the sisters into a Jessica/Ashlee Simpson- style skankfest.


At 04:50, Blogger Mirri said...

Bump all you want, buddy =).
Oh and by the way, you do realise that from now on, whenever I can, I'll be allowed to ask in the most bugsbunny voice I can imitate

What's up, Doc?

Ass-kickance! (Ooh, new wordies!)

At 15:51, Blogger Mirri said...

Thanks for the comment acceptance hintage. Now I have two =)!

At 10:41, Blogger Jamie Dawn said...

I'm just reading more of your previous posts, since you didn't have anything new today... hint, hint.

Blogging sisters. Very cool!

At 12:06, Blogger Sponge Girl said...

Jamie, sorry to disappoint, but I'm generally a daily commentor, but not a daily blogger. Weekly, biweekly maybe.

I ain't as smart as some folk, so it takes me a while to come up with something witty and worthy of print.

Sponge Girl has high standards, you see.

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